Shamanism uses universal methods, which are based on the psychobiological structure of humans and their central nervous system. Functions of Shamans include master of rituals, priest, medicine man (doctor), counsellor, fortuneteller and hunting advisor. One of the basic shamanic methods to aquire any information is the Altered State of Consciousness. The Shaman initiates themselves must overcome death experiences and learn to heal themselves – under guidance - to be able to practically assist people in difficult situations and crisis states and help them in healing. It comprises an orally transmitted comprehensive knowledge and intense, long practical education. Shamanism as validated, holistic healing tradition basically occured in some form all over the world and is still alive in some cultures. His vision for the future was that his theoretical findings would be applied in order to guide human beings to the health side of the continuum. Antonovsky wanted his model to be empirically researched, validated, improved and further developed. This means a shift of focus, away from causes of disease to causes of health, in scientific research as well as in preventive medicine. Antonovsky’s Salutogenic Model represents a theoretical concept of health and its influencing factors, which – according to himself – must be regarded as a first theoretical step towards a paradigm change. The modern concept of Salutogenesis, from Antonovsky (27 years old) and the ancient universal healing tradition Shamanism (ca.