Your happy buddy’s handwriting towards the end of the game Charlotte’s letters look like this throughout The handwritings are very distinct and say a lot about who the letters are from. Since you never see them, the game has to come up with more creative ways of showing who the characters are and they do that through the handwriting and paper of each character. One of the really cool things about this game is the way they show the personalities of the 4 characters. You also have to decide whether or not to trust what is said in the letters as you do not actually know the people who are writing them.
Through these letters you get snippets from about what is happening in the world and what is happening to you but never enough to put together what the full story is. In the game you are imprisoned but you don’t know why and your only contact with the outside world is from letters that are delivered to you. As its said in this one review, you are alone with only your thoughts. The game is about an hour long, however when you are playing it, it seems a lot longer. Think about it, when was the last time you had to wait in a game? I don’t mean waiting for the guard to turn the corner so you can sneak around him or waiting for the enemy to have a moment of weakness before striking either.

Depressing game endings aren’t something new but the way the waiting in this game is presented is new. You will be allowed to choose the outcome between two depressing endings and you can get it here. It has also been described as a visual novel that allows you only one chance to make a choice and that doesn’t come into play until the end of the game.

Presentable Liberty is an indie horror game unlike any game you’ve played before.